Burnt Honey and Chamomile Panna Cotta
Here’s a yummy Valentine’s Day recipe!
For a ‘love-struck’ Valentine’s Day, try this delicious Panna Cotta recipe. Our version serves eight people so feel free to share it with all of the sweethearts in your life!
For the Panna Cotta:
3 C Cream
1 Vanilla Bean, scraped
¼ C Sugar
3 t Gelatin
½ C Honey
For the Panna Cotta, pour the cold cream into a pot and sprinkle the gelatin over the surface of the cream. Let stand for 5-10 minutes.
Bring the cream, vanilla bean, and sugar to a boil and set aside to steep.
Place the honey in a pot and burn until red amber in color.
Remove from heat and deglaze with the cream mixture. Strain, cool, and pour into eight individual bowls or ramekins.
Place the bowls or ramekins into the refrigerator and let set for at least 3 hours before serving.
Garnish with poached quince and brown butter sponge cake. This recipe also tastes delicious with caramel sauce, toasted almonds and raspberries too!